What Happens If AC Is Not Serviced?

As a homeowner, you have been hearing that you need to hire air conditioning service repair professionals to maintain your unit. And this is good as it keeps the air conditioner in good shape, but have you asked yourself what happens if AC is not serviced? Well, plenty of things can happen with the major ones being:

The air filters will accumulate dust

Every air conditioner has air filters that filter the air getting into the house. When you don’t service your air conditioner for a long time, it means you don’t clean or replace the air filters, and as you might expect, this leads to the air filters accumulating a lot of dust.

With the air conditioner filter being clogged by dust, the AC consumes a lot of energy cooling the house and this is reflected in your monthly energy bill.

The presence of a lot of dust in the air filter also means inefficiency as the air filter allows some of the dust to get into the house. The result of this is the indoor air being too dusty and uncomfortable to breathe.

The AC gets you unaware

During maintenance, the AC contractors inspect the unit and fix even minor issues. When you don’t service your unit, it means the contractors don’t inspect it.

What is the consequence of this?

The unit develops problems without your notice. The minor problems that you could have picked during maintenance enlarge to the extent that they bring the AC to a halt.

If the AC fails in the middle of a hot summer, you have no way out other than to hire an expensive emergency repair professional to fix it.

Your allergies flare-up

If you suffer from allergies, failing to maintain your air conditioning system puts you at the risk of worsening the situation. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, your allergy doctor might have told you to stay indoors during peak allergen hours.

In addition to filtering dust and dirt, air conditioner filters also filter pollen and other allergens and prevent them from getting into the house.

Unfortunately, since you aren’t maintaining the AC, the filter is out of shape and allows the allergens to find you even in your safest place—your home.

As a consequence of this, your condition worsens which sees you spending a lot of money controlling the condition. In some cases, you are admitted in a hospital and you end up spending more money and miss your work and other responsibilities.

You can prevent all this by servicing your AC

If you have lagged in servicing your air conditioner, move with haste and service it. While you can do some of the tasks such as cleaning or replacing the filter, you can’t do the more technical and crucial tasks so you are better off hiring a professional to help you out.

The contractor you hire will:

  • Clean the evaporator and condenser coils
  • Lubricate the blower and condenser fans
  • Inspect and clean the drain pan and drain line
  • Check the thermostat for proper operation
  • Inspect the electrical wiring and controls
  • Inspect and clean the ductwork and air registers
  • Check the refrigerant levels
  • Inspect the blades and fan motor
  • Check the blower assembly
  • Check the refrigerant tubing
  • Inspect the compressor
  • Inspect all the wiring, connections, and electrical controls
  • Check the ductwork for any leaks and other issues
  • Run a general system test

While there are many air conditioning companies you can work with, don’t hire the first company you come across. Take your time and find reputable and experienced AC repair services Chantilly to work with. The company should also be insured to protect you in the event of an accident.

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