Commercial Appliances Repair: Expert Tips On How To Optimize Your Kitchen Appliances,

commercial appliance repair

As a commercial kitchen owner, you want to get as much from your appliances as possible in terms of output and longevity. Do you know the good news? It’s possible! Here are expert tips from commercial appliances repair professionals on how to do it:

Use the right equipment

Everything begins here. There is no way you can get the most from your appliances if you use the wrong ones.

For your commercial kitchen to function optimally, you need several essential pieces of equipment such as: steam table pans, kitchen work tables, food carriers, commercial refrigerator, commercial dishwasher, disposable catering or take-out supplies, and many others.

When buying the equipment, ensure they are optimized to be used in the commercial setting and not in a residential kitchen.

You should note that appliances set out to handle commercial tasks don’t come cheap. While this is the case, don’t cut corners by buying cheap, low-quality appliances as they will cause problems later on.

Turn off your appliances when you aren’t using them

At a moment like this, when the world is grappling with COVID-19, most of the restaurants are closed. Any time you shut down your business for an extended time, always shut down your appliances.

Begin with turning off the electrical power to the appliance by removing the fuses or tripping the circuit breaker.

  • Shut off the water supply
  • Disconnect the water line
  • Cover the appliances to protect them from dust and other materials
  • If possible place the appliances in one corner of your commercial kitchen

When you are back to business, inspect the appliances and reconnect them. You also should reconnect the drain, water, and electrical power supply. When it comes to the dishwasher and oven, run them through a heavy cleaning cycle. This is to get rid of any dirt that might have accumulated.

After making the reconnections, carefully inspect the connections to ensure they aren’t leaking

Don’t rely on the self-cleaning cycle

For the oven, the self-cleaning cycle is excellent for cleaning the inside of the oven. For optimal oven performance, don’t solely rely on the cleaning cycle. Instead, also take a look at the vent filters and clean them too.

This prevents dust and grease from accumulating, so the appliance runs optimally for a long time.

Clean the appliances

From the refrigerator to the dishwasher to the oven, you have to clean every appliance in your place of work. This isn’t simply for the appliances to look good, but also to maintain hygiene and keep them functioning optimally for a long time.

When cleaning the units, pay close attention to both the insides and outside. If your unit has air filters and other replaceable parts, pay close attention to them and replace them if necessary.

For the refrigerator, oven and other appliances with storage areas, remove the shelves and drawers and give them a thorough scrubbing. The beauty is that you don’t need to use fancy cleaning products. Warm soapy water and a piece of cloth are enough.

Avoid using abrasive products as they can scour the appliances and destroy them.

Regularly inspect the appliances

Even if you are using the right appliances and you take optimal care of them, you still have to hire a commercial kitchen appliance repair Springfield or any other expert at least once a year to tune up the appliances.

The technician will go through all the appliances and find out if they have any issues that you might have failed to pick up. With their specialized tools, they are bound to identify and fix even the most minor issues giving your appliances a clean bill of health.

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