Household Termites
One of the most annoying things about termites is that there are so many different kinds of them to watch out for. Some of the most common types of household termites in your area include subterranean termites, Fermosan termites, winged termites and drywood termites. If gone untreated, termites damage can lead to serious problems concerning the structure of your home. If you have noticed any signs of termites, call a pest exterminator right away. A pest control team will administer a highly effective termite inspection to determine whether or not termites have invaded your home. These pest removal experts can also provide you with helpful termite control information to utilize in the future.
Home Pest Control
Unfortunately, there is a wide range of household pests to watch out for other than just termites. Bed bugs are also one of the leading causes of frustration among homeowners because they can infest even the cleanest of homes! The clearest sign of bed bugs in your home is the presence of small red bumps on your skin when you wake up. Bed bug bites tend to appear in small clusters, which is what most sets them apart from other bug bites such as mosquito bites.